How to gain weight by doing exercise at home

You can gain weight by eating right and exercising regularly. If you only exercise but don’t follow the diet plan properly then you will never build a body.
On the other hand, if you focus only on diet but do not exercise regularly, you will not get good results, your body will not be built properly.
So how to eat and how to exercise to build a body quickly or increase weight is mentioned below :
How is the body made?
In order to increase our body weight and strengthen our body first we need to understand how our body is made.
When you exercise, your muscles break down. When you exercise targeting a specific muscle, that muscle fiber breaks down. And when you rest and take proper food, your muscles repair. And that’s how the human body is built.
Push ups
Push ups are the perfect exercise for increasing body weight and for proper body composition. When doing push ups, all three muscles of the body grow together. As a result of the push up, your chest muscles grow well. Push ups not only grow your chest muscles but also your triceps muscles and front delt muscles. You can train all three muscles in your body simultaneously with just one exercise. This means that you can train most of the muscles in your body just by doing push ups. So in the beginning you can do 20 to 30 push ups every day. Then gradually increase the number of push ups. If you do push up exercises regularly, these three muscles will develop quickly. As a result you will gain weight.
Pull ups
Pull up exercise will also help you gain muscle and gain weight faster. By doing pull ups, your back muscles and bicep muscles are trained well. As a result, the size of these muscles increases rapidly. So you can do 10 to 15 pull ups in the beginning.
Pull over
Pull over is for those who can’t pull up. If you can’t pull up or are just learning then you will do pull over. This exercise is also useful for training your back muscle and bicep muscle. Weight can be increased by doing this exercise.
Diamond push ups
If you do diamond push up then your triceps muscle will grow. All triceps muscles grow, your chest muscles will also grow. Doing this diamond push up exercise will make your arms wider. Triceps exercises are very important to increase the size of your arms. The triceps muscles are larger than the bicep muscles of the arm. So it is very important to exercise the triceps muscles to make your arms wider and stronger. For that you have to do diamond push up. Doing this exercise will increase the size of your hands.
By doing squat exercise you can increase your leg muscles. Leg muscles are important muscles of the body. Leg exercise is very important. Because until you train your leg muscles, your testosterone levels will not increase. And if the level of testosterone in your body does not increase, then your body will not be made, even if you exercise well and take a good diet. So it is very important to do leg exercises to increase the level of testosterone.
You can do squats to exercise your legs. By doing the squat exercise, you can train your leg muscles and make your legs thicker and stronger. By doing leg exercises like this you can increase the level of testosterone in your body. Then your body will build faster.
You should do at least 40 to 50 repetitions of the squat exercise everyday. The number of squats should be gradually increased over time.
By doing this exercise you can train your abs. Do this exercise as long as you can. You can also do mountain climber exercises to exercise the abs. Actually doing crunches or mountain climber exercise will make your abs right but how much your abs will be visible depends on the fat in your body. If you have more body fat, your abs will be less visible. And if you have less body fat, you will see abs in a few days. So you should take care not to have excess fat in your body.
No matter how much you exercise, you will never get in shape if you don’t eat right. So you have to eat some foods regularly to make your body strong. Eating these foods will increase your body’s energy and morale.
If you eat two bananas every morning, your energy will increase. And for those who are underweight and thin, eating bananas is very important. Because protein, carbohydrates, fiber and many other ingredients in bananas help to increase body weight quickly. So you need to eat at least two bananas every day to increase your weight and increase your body strength.
Eggs are rich in protein. When talking about protein, the first thing that comes to mind is eggs. Eggs also contain small amounts of carbohydrates, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine and various other vitamins. So all these things are constantly needed in our body. Eating eggs is very important for those who are weak or thin. Eating eggs will provide you with many types of nutrients.
Soybeans are the best source of protein for those who are vegetarian and don’t eat eggs. Soybeans can be eaten in a variety of ways. You also get a good amount of protein from cooked soybeans. Soybeans also contain many nutrients including minerals.
So you can soak 50 grams of soybeans in water every night and boil them in the morning or eat them to make a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers. It will give your body plenty of protein and minerals which are very beneficial for building your body, gaining muscle, making you healthy and increasing your strength. By consuming soybeans regularly, you can fill up your body’s protein levels.
You will be surprised to know that chickpeas contain many ingredients including protein as well as fiber and good carbohydrates which are very beneficial for the human body. You can soak raw chickpeas overnight and eat them in the morning. Chickpeas are very beneficial for your health. Chickpeas also help you gain weight.
Give up bad habits
There are many bad habits that will keep you from gaining muscle no matter how much you eat and exercise. There are many people who love fried food and overeat it. There are many people who like sweet food and eat more of it. They also eat junk food. So these fried foods and sweet foods hinder your muscle gain and increase the amount of fat in your body.
So if you want to gain muscle in your body or gain weight properly then you must give up this bad habit.
Take proper sleep
Thus if you exercise regularly and eat protein-rich foods regularly, you will gain weight faster. Apart from regular exercise and proper diet, you should get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Because your body repairs itself through sleep. When you exercise your body’s muscles break down and when you sleep your muscles repair. So you need to sleep 7 to 8 hours everyday.
Read more about Benefit of push ups.