How to drink water properly?

Many people take drinking water for granted. Many people think they can drink as much water as they want, whenever they want. But this is a completely wrong idea. Just as water helps all the organs of our body to function properly, it also plays a very important role in flushing out various toxins produced in the body. Water plays a role in curing various stomach ailments, as well as in increasing or reducing body weight.
So, if you don’t know when, how, and how much drink, no matter how many nutritious foods you eat, it won’t be effective for your body. This can lead to many physical ailments, such as indigestion, gas, kidney weakness, discomfort, stomach problems, weight loss, itching, allergies, oily skin, joint pain, headaches, fat accumulation in the body, hair loss, sleeplessness, and more. So, let’s learn all the unknown facts about water.
Why is water so important in the human body?
Our body consists of 60-70% water. Different organs of the body, like the kidneys, liver, lungs, and digestive system, work properly with the water. Water plays an essential role in keeping our body cells alive.
What can happen if there is a lack of water in our body?
When our body is dehydrated, it becomes difficult to urinate, digestive power decreases, and the face and skin gradually become rough and loose. If the water consumption method is not followed properly, there is a possibility of many serious diseases in the future. So, it is very important to drink a regular amount of water throughout the day.
How much water should be drunk throughout the day?
Water plays an important role in flushing out toxins from the body due to its zero calories. It also keeps our skin clean, cools our heads, and aids digestion. Water helps the proper functioning of various organs in our body, including the digestive system, eyes, and bones. That’s why water is so important for our body. A person can survive for a time without food, but it is not possible to survive without water. In the process of excreting, sweating, and breathing, our body loses about 2 liters of water every day.
The amount of water a typical person should drink throughout the day depends on their body condition, weight, the climate they live in, and their physical activity. But studies show that a healthy person should drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day, which is about 8 to 12 glasses of a normal-sized glass. On hot days, due to excessive sweating, the amount of water should be increased. Those who exercise regularly sweat more and should drink more water.
Does drinking more water harm the body?
We all know that liquid intake should not be excessive. Drinking too much water can slow down the function of our kidneys, and the sodium level in the blood may drop. However, this is very rare because most people drink only as much water as they need. Many people have the misconception that the more water they drink, the better. But if someone drinks 4 to 5 liters of water or more throughout the day, this can happen.
How much water should be drunk at a time?
There are people who drink as much water as they want, whenever they want. But water should not be consumed in any way. Drinking the same amount of water in different ways can have different effects on the body. That’s why we should always sit and drink slowly. Take the water into your mouth, hold it there for a few seconds, and then swallow it. By drinking water this way, the saliva from your mouth helps neutralize acidity, which improves digestion. If we drink water too quickly while standing, our kidneys cannot filter it properly.
Also, if we drink water directly from a bottle held at the top of our mouth, many foreign bacteria may enter our stomach. This can lead to joint pain in the body later. Therefore, we should sit down, drink slowly, and hold the water in our mouth for a while before swallowing. Additionally, one should not drink more than the required amount of water at once. Drink 1 to 1.5 glasses of water at a time. Drinking too much water at once can overwhelm the kidneys, preventing proper filtration.
Should the water be hot, cold, or normal?
When we eat cold food, our stomach warms it to body temperature to make it digestible. The same is true for water. When we drink cold water stored in the refrigerator, it first reaches body temperature before it can be used by the body. This process requires energy and time. Drinking too much cold water can also decrease digestive power. That is why the water we drink should be at a normal or mildly warm temperature. By doing this, water can be used more quickly in different parts of our body, and food can be digested more efficiently. Lukewarm water increases digestive power and keeps the stomach clean.
When should we not drink water?
People suffer from many diseases by drinking water without knowing the proper method of drinking. Knowing when not to drink water is just as important as knowing when to drink it. Drinking light water before meals helps food reach the stomach easily and aids in digestion. However, you should not drink too much water before eating. Drinking excess water before a meal can dilute the food in the stomach, preventing stomach acid from being properly secreted. Therefore, water should be consumed 30 minutes to 1 hour after eating food.
If you wake up at night, it’s fine to drink water and then go back to sleep. However, drinking too much water at night can be harmful because the body is not active while sleeping. Water reaches the kidneys before being properly filtered, which can harm them.
Therefore, drink the necessary amount of water during the day and ensure there is a gap of 45 minutes to 1 hour between each drink. Drinking too much water too quickly puts pressure on the kidneys to expel it through urination before it can be properly filtered. This can lead to frequent and urgent trips to the toilet. When your urine is clear like water instead of yellow, it means your body does not need more water. In such cases, wait 15 to 20 minutes after urinating before drinking more water, allowing the kidneys time to relax. If you keep drinking water without this break, the urine may come out too quickly, which can be problematic.
Drinking water immediately after eating fruits like cucumber, tomato, bananas, watermelon, pomegranate, and similar fruits should be avoided. If you drink water after eating these fruits, it can harden the food in your stomach, leading to digestive problems. Additionally, drinking cold water after eating hot food should be avoided, as it can damage your teeth and gums.
When should we drink water?
The best time to drink water is in the morning. We should drink the water immediately after waking up. Drinking water on an empty stomach in the morning helps cleanse the toxic wastes in the stomach. However, people who do not drink water before eating may have digestive issues. That’s why we should drink 1 to 2 glasses of water after waking up. One glass of water should be consumed 45 minutes before and 45 minutes after meals. Two hours after eating dinner, milk should be consumed instead of water because the protein in milk provides slow-releasing energy throughout the night. The amino acids in milk help cool the head and promote restful sleep.
No matter how many times you drink water in a day, make sure there is a gap of at least 45 minutes to 1 hour between each drink. A healthy person should drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water throughout the day. By following these water-drinking rules, we can avoid many problems. A proper digestive system makes it easier to gain or lose weight. Those with poor digestion find it difficult to manage their weight. By following these methods, you will become much healthier in just a few weeks. So, we should all drink water the right way.
Read more about Benefits of lemon water.