Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Padmasana is a cross-legged sitting meditation pose from India, in which each foot is placed on the opposite thigh. It is an ancient asana in yoga, predating hatha yoga, and is widely used for meditation in Hindu, Tantra, Jain and Buddhist traditions. But you will be surprised to hear that Padmasana is very beneficial for our health and mind. So everyone should do the Padmasana to keep their body healthy.
How to Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
- Sit on the floor or on a mat with legs stretched out in front of you while keeping the spine erect.
- Bend the right knee and place it on the left thigh. Make sure that the sole of the feet point upward and the heel is close to the abdomen.
- Now, repeat the same step with the other leg.
- With both the legs crossed and feet placed on opposite things, place your hands on the knees in mudra position.
- Keep the head straight and spine erect.
- Hold and continue with gentle long breaths in and out.
Some benefits of the Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
- Improves digestion.
- Padmasana helps in diminishing the pain of leg and knee joints.
- Reduces muscular tension and brings blood pressure under control.
- Relaxes the mind.
- Reduces menstrual discomfort.
- Helps pregnant ladies during childbirth.
- It helps to open up the hips, stretches the knees and ankles, and makes joints and ligaments flexible.
- It helps in increasing awareness and concentration and also calms the brain.
- It eases menstrual discomfort .
- It helps in stimulating the spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder.
- It relaxes the body and restores energy levels.
- It burns the unwanted fat from the hips and the thighs.
- It increases blood flow.
- It helps to cure sciatica.
- It is also beneficial for preserving the vital fluids in the body.
- It prevents abdominal diseases and reproductive disorders in women.
Read more about Trikonasana