Disadvantages of eating sugar

Sugar is the most widely used food in people’s daily life. Everyone likes to eat a little sweet after a heavy meal. But you can’t even imagine the amount of damage this sweet food or sugar is doing to your body. Let’s find out what harm can be done to the body by eating sugar.
Sugar creates addiction and damages mental health.
A study found that the amount of intoxication produced by sugar in the human brain is much more than that produced by cocaine. How?
When you eat sugar, the glucose made from that sugar goes to your brain and activates the brain’s reward system. That means eating sugar makes your brain feel better. As a result, your brain will want to take in more glucose. Then you will intentionally eat more sugar. Then your brain will become tolerant to the amount of sugar you eat. As a result, you need to eat more sugar than before to feel as good as before. Which is like taking drugs.
In another rat study, one group of rats was given cocaine to eat while the other group was given a high-sugar substance. It found that most of the rats were more likely to become addicted to sweets than they were to cocaine.
If you eat sugar or sugary foods, the chemicals in your brain that make new cells decrease. As a result, your brain gradually weakens and your ability to think also decreases.
Causes skin problems
Eating sugary or sweet foods raises your blood sugar levels. And when your blood sugar level increases, more insulin will release in your body. Excess secretion of insulin hormone causes inflammation in the body.
Inflammation is a normal response of the immune system to injury, infection or disease. It is a complex biological process through which the body’s immune system, blood vessels and various cells reveal tissue damage.
If you have allergies, sugar can make them worse. So it is better for those who have allergy problems to stay away from sugar. Eating sugar increases excess cholesterol in the body. As a result, acne occurs on the skin or the face becomes red. Experts have identified sugar or sugary foods as the cause of facial redness. Due to reddening of the face, the skin loses its natural beauty.
Sweet foods enter the body and bind to cellular proteins. This is called glycation. In this process, the protein and sugar react and attack the cell. As a result, the skin’s ability to fight wrinkles and aging is reduced.
Sugar is the cause of diabetes
Eating sugar or sweet foods increases cholesterol levels in the body and can lead to diabetes. Many foods contain sugar as a carbohydrate. Eating natural glucose or sugar from fruits, vegetables and dairy products will not cause any problems. But the question arises about sugar or surgery foods.
Eating sugar or sugary foods causes excess insulin release in the body. If this insulin does not work properly in the body or if there is too much insulin, it increases cholesterol in the body. This can lead to diabetes.
Although sugar is not directly responsible for diabetes. But obesity and excess weight can lead to diabetes. And eating sugar or sweet foods leads to excess weight.
According to the International Diabetes Federation, the health problem that occurs when the pancreas cannot use insulin or the body cannot use insulin effectively is known as diabetes. This suggests that sugar consumption increases the risk of diabetes.
Sugar consumption affects blood pressure
What happens to the body as a result of eating sugar or sweet food?
When you eat sugar, it is absorbed into the blood immediately. As a result, blood glucose level increases rapidly. Then insulin hormone is released more. If this insulin hormone is not fully used in the body, then the amount of cholesterol in the blood increases. Then the fat accumulates in blood vessels and blocks blood flow. Then the blood pressure rises.
This phenomenon occurs immediately after eating sugary or sweet foods and is temporary. And if this condition happens frequently or if you eat too much sugar, the blood pressure will go up and down. This can lead to various diseases including diabetes. So you should avoid sugar altogether.
Damages the liver
Sugar increases our body fat. Eating sugar can cause liver disease in humans. Glucose produced by eating sugary or sweet foods is absorbed by the body. But the liver only refines the fructose in sugar. The fructose is converted into fat in the liver. As a result, liver function decreases. It damages the liver a lot. So to keep the liver healthy, sugar or sweet foods should be avoided.
Damages the kidney
We consume sugar with various foods in our daily life. However, this sugar intake can cause kidney disease. Eating too much sugar not only increases glucose but also causes kidney problems. When blood sugar levels rise, sugar is excreted through urine. The higher the blood sugar, the more strain there is on the kidneys to clear it. As a result, the kidneys are gradually damaged. This problem is more common in diabetic patients.
Heart attack
One of the heart attacks is sugar consumption. Eating too much sugar can lead to heart attacks. How does a heart attack happen?
A heart attack is when the heart stops functioning due to the blockage of blood vessels. So how can sugar cause heart attacks?
Blood sugar levels rise when we eat sugary foods. As the blood sugar level increases, the body releases more insulin hormone. When the blood sugar level increases, cholesterol and fat begin to accumulate in the blood vessels. Then there is difficulty in blood circulation. As a result, blood pressure increases. In this way the blood pressure goes up and down.
That is, if you eat too much sugar or have this problem for a long time, the blood circulation stops due to the accumulation of cholesterol and fat in the blood vessels. As a result blood cannot reach the heart and the heart loses its function. That’s when the heart attack happened.
Thus, excess sugar can cause your heart attack. However, heart attacks depend on eating other unhealthy foods and being overweight. So if you want to avoid heart attack, you must avoid sugar and other unhealthy foods and exercise regularly.
A stroke or brain attack is caused by a sudden stoppage of blood flow to the brain or bleeding inside the head. Eating sugar increases blood sugar and cholesterol levels. As a result, blood circulation can be stopped. And if the blood flow stops, it can lead to stroke. A stroke can cause brain cells to stop working or cells to die. Then the body organs they control are damaged or lose function. So avoid eating sugar to avoid brain attack.
Causes tooth decay
Many people think that sweet food is very harmful for teeth. So many people avoid such food. Sugar or sweetened foods do not directly damage teeth. However, the acid produced from sugary foods erodes the tooth enamel and is also very harmful to the gums. Besides sugar, other foods can cause tooth and gum decay. For example- soft drinks, candy, chocolate, ice cream, juice etc. Especially if children are given more of these foods, they have more dental problems. So children should always avoid giving sweet food. Not only that, we also have to refrain from it.
Decreases sexual ability
Sexual demand is reduced due to the effects of excessive work pressure. Again, this can happen due to various diseases when the age increases. Also, we are constantly consuming certain foods that are largely responsible for reducing sexual arousal. That ingredient is sugar. According to experts, if the blood sugar increases due to the effect of sugar, there is a risk of diabetes, along with depression, mental fatigue, and obesity problems.
Eating too much sugar or sweetened foods can disrupt the balance of the leptin hormone. And the role of leptin in regulating sexual ability is very important. When the leptin balance is disturbed, the secretion of testosterone hormone also decreases. And if the testosterone hormone is less secreted, the sexual ability decreases.
From the above discussion it can be seen how sugar or sweet food is damaging the body. Therefore, to avoid all the diseases discussed above, one should refrain from eating sugar or sweet foods.
Our body produces glucose from the foods we eat. Our body does not need to consume sugar or sweetened foods separately for Glucose. Since the body can make its own glucose from all other foods, any sugary or sweet foods we eat are considered excess in our body. So we have no need to eat sugar or sweet foods.
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