Benefits of lemon water

Many people eat lemon but do not know what lemon does to the human body and when, how and how much to use lemon to get the full benefits.
Benefits of drinking lemon water daily-
Good for skin
If you drink lemon water every day, your skin will be good, your skin will be tight. Lemon contains some nutrients that work to build collagen under the skin. Collagen is a type of muscle fiber that helps keep your skin firmly attached to each other. which slows down the facial aging process and you look much younger. Those whose body’s collagen tissue decreases, their skin tends to lose prematurely.
Not only that, bleeding gums while brushing can also lead to collagen deficiency. Collagen is also present in your cartilage which works to keep your bones strong.
Simply put, the more collagen tissue you have, the later wrinkles appear on your face. And your teeth will be healthy and the cartilage tissue in the joint will be strong. Vitamin-C plays a very important role in the formation of this cartilage tissue. And vitamin-C is available in a good amount in lemon.
Detoxifies the liver
Lemon water helps detoxify your liver. It also helps in fixing liver problems and improves liver function. In fact, the liver is an organ in the human body that works as a filter. This means that the liver is always working to filter and clean your blood. Due to this, the pollutants gradually accumulate inside the liver. From which the problem of fatty liver begins.
And lemon contains certain nutrients that detoxify and cleanse the liver by removing the accumulated fat and pollution in the liver. Those who have liver problems should eat high vegetable and low fat food along with lemon water.
Improves immunity system
When the body’s immunity power becomes weak, then repeated colds and fevers occur. Vitamin-C in lemon strengthens your immunity system, helping the body to fight diseases. 50% of the vitamin-C your body needs throughout the day is fulfilled by consuming just one lemon. And if you consume two lemons throughout the day, then your daily requirement of vitamin-C will be fulfilled.
Saves from heart disease
Lemon prevents blockage in the veins of your heart. In fact, when there is a lack of vitamin-C in the body, the veins are easily damaged from the inside. And in the place of this damage, fat and cholesterol gradually accumulate. This causes blockage in your body.
By consuming lemon, the body gets vitamin-C which strengthens the vein walls. That is why those who drink lemon water are less likely to get heart disease.
Prevents kidney stones
Drinking lemon water is very important for proper kidney health. The most common stone that is seen in the patient’s kidney is calcium oxalate kidney stone. These stones combine with calcium and oxalate to form kidney stones. The citric acid in lemon prevents the formation of kidney stones and helps break down the stones that are formed. Those who have such kidney problems should use lemon water at least 2 to 3 times a day. And throughout the day they should drink 10 to 12 glasses of normal size glass of water.
Reduces fat
Lemon water is known to lose fat. As a result, many skinny people stay away from drinking lemon water. Because they think that they will lose weight. But actually it doesn’t happen like that. And those who gain a lot of weight drink a lot of lemon water. In fact, lemon water does not directly help in fat loss.
Lemon works to control blood sugar. This results in the release of insulin hormone in your body. As a result, less fat accumulates in your body. But you need to understand that lemon has very little role in fat loss. That’s why you can use lemon water as a healthy drink. But don’t under the misconception that consuming more lemons will result in quick weight loss. Because weight loss and weight gain depends on the calories you eat throughout the day.
Cures deadly diseases
Many types of antioxidants are available in lemons, which help protect the body from diseases like cancer. However, to get these benefits your lifestyle is very important. In this case, you should stay away from eating unhealthy food.
Some tips
Now let’s say, you can’t go wrong at all when using lemons. First of all, you have to take care that if you use lemon water then you cannot use sugar in it at all. If you use sugar in lemon water then you will not get any benefits of drinking lemon water.
Since lemons are acidic, drinking a glass of lemon water with your mouth can damage your teeth. That’s why you must use a straw if you want to drink lemon water regularly.
When and how to use lemon?
You can use half or 1 lemon with lukewarm water. You can also use normal water if you want. But you should not use it at all with very hot water. Because vitamin-C in lemon is heat sensitive which gets destroyed when exposed to hot water. So the best way to use lemon water is to use it in the morning on an empty stomach. But you can use it whenever you want. Another thing you should notice that there should be a gap of one to one and half hours between drinking lemon water and eating food. Because there are some foods that don’t mix with lemon. So you have to use lemon water carefully.
Read more about Drinking water.